Magnifique and full trustfull - valid redudancee - keyboard; but more than a rich keyboard, its the library, the "office" and all the very rich info one receives .... and more to come. Shukran.
Very good and thank you
﷽ما شـــــــــــاء الله جمــــــــل جـــــدا
This is better. I can see the harakat clearly 👍
sangat puas
Thank you for developing this much needed app. One problem I would like to mention: the actual harakat حركات on the keyboard are very small in size and thus hard to see. this can negatively effect the speed of typing and ease of interaction with the keyboard. Could you please update the actual harakat on the keyboard to a much larger size? Thank you.
A very good and useful app.
why alquran now cant open
THE best app for using arabic and english both togather. EASY to understand and easy to use. جزاک الله